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Declaration of the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language as the state language of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

Language policy in Azerbaijan dates to the period of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Until that time (either in the 19th century or especially in the early 20th century), prominent Azerbaijani intellectuals had expressed certain opinions and made assumptions about the native language, and the linguistic processes taking place in Azerbaijan.  However, the official declaration of the Turkish language as the state language on June 27, 1918, just a month after the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, was the result of the direct influence of the national ideology defined in the late 19th century and early 20th century.   Of course, the untiring struggle of intellectuals like Mirza Fatali Akhundzade, Ali bey Huseynzade, Mahammad Agha Shahtakhtli, Ahmad bey Aghayev, Jalil Mammadguluzade, Omar Faig Nemanzade, Firidun bey Kocharli, Mirza Alakbar Sabir, Uzeyir Hajibeyli for the literary, socio-political and ideological position of their native language for many years had provided a stimulus to the government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic to pay immediate attention to this issue. The decision of the government dated June 27, 1918, was made regarding the existing situation. Thus, according to that decision, the Russian language was allowed to be used in government institutions until those working in the judicial authorities, administrative management and other positions learn the state language at the appropriate level. That decision can be considered the first document on the use of the native language as the state language. 
The first official document proclaiming the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language as the state language, besides playing a great historical role, laid the foundation for the formation of the national language policy in Azerbaijan and the correct ideological position in the interests of the nation. It should be noted that the decision of the Azerbaijani government was not just a declarative document. The issues arising from the adoption of the decision were periodically discussed at the parliamentary sessions, and language courses were organized for those who did not speak the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language. Besides, the ADR government allocated 351,000 manats from the state budget for that purpose.
Education was brought to the fore by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic as it was a very important area for the implementation of language policies. Thus, on August 28, 1918, the government decided to provide an education in the native language in primary and secondary educational institutions. The decision stated that:1. Medium of instruction in all primary educational institutions is the native language. 2. The state language is taught mandatorily.
The language policy of the republic did not end with the above-mentioned decisions. The Azerbaijani language was already officially used in all circles. As a logical continuation of the reforms implemented by the government, Samad bey Mehmandarov, the Minister of Defence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, issued an order on February 11, 1919, that the language of the army was Azerbaijani-Turkish. The minister set a month for officers who serve in the army but do not speak the state language, to learn it. And it was decided that the military personnel who could not give at least military orders in Azerbaijani (Turkish) during that period, would be expelled from the army. On February 11, 1919, the government adopted a decision on the approval of the cavalry regulations of the Azerbaijan National Army in the Turkish language. 
After the government's decision on the nationalization of schools, in a way, as a continuation of this decision, the law "On the allocation of 1 million manats for the acquisition of books in the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language for public school libraries" was adopted on September 18, 1919. It was noted in that law that 1 million rubles were allocated from the state treasury for purchasing new books in the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language for public school libraries. 

The language used by the Parliament of Azerbaijan was Azerbaijani Turkish, which had the status of the state language. Moreover, it was considered acceptable for representatives of other nationalities to speak in Russian.

During the republic, the decisions made concerning the language, alphabet, and education were of great importance for that period. Although the republic was able to maintain its existence for 23 months, the decisions taken during that period remained relevant in many issues related to language and education at a later period. The language policy launched regarding the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language continued even after the fall of the republic.                

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