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Decree of the Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan and the Council of People

The language policy in Azerbaijan begins with the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Until that period (either in the 19th century or especially in the early 20th century), prominent Azerbaijani intellectuals advanced certain opinions and suggestions about the native language, as well as the language processes taking place in Azerbaijan.  But, only a month after the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, on June 27, 1918, the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language was officially declared the state language. This was the result of the direct influence of the national ideology that developed at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Of course, the government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic would not immediately pay attention to this issue if it were not for the purposeful struggle of the Azerbaijani intellectuals for the literary, socio-political and ideological position of their native language.

During the ADR period, decisions concerning language, alphabet and education were of great importance. The decisions made at that time related to language and education remained relevant in the later period. Language policy continued after the fall of the republic.

In June 1921, by the decision of the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR, an educational commission was established. This commission was engaged in developing cultural and educational work and eliminating illiteracy. From the earliest days of the cultural work in Azerbaijan, the question of a new alphabet became acute. The complexity of the script and letters of the old Arabic alphabet could not contribute to the elimination of mass illiteracy. For this reason the issue of transition to Latin alphabet was raised. In November 1920, a commission under the People’s Commissariat of Education of Azerbaijan SSR was established to reform the alphabet.

Two years later, on March 6, 1922, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (ACP (b)) decided to set up a special commission on the transition to the Latin alphabet. In May of 1922 the Committee for New Turkic alphabet was created. The Committee was to solve the problem of Turkic alphabetization. Decisions adopted by the Second Conference of CC ACP (b) (November, 1922) were of great importance for solution of many cultural and educational issues related with transition to new Azerbaijani (Turkic) alphabet. On June 12, 1922 at the meeting of Presidium of CC ACP the question of publishing of text-books and newspapers in the Azerbaijani (Turkic) language was discussed, and the decision on purchasing of typewriters in Azerbaijani (Turkic) was accepted. On June 19, 1922, the Presidium of Central Committee of ACP (b) decided to introduce free education in schools. On July 23, 1923 CIC sent to all settlements, regions and villages of Azerbaijan an instruction, which said that due to the change of alphabet all stamps, letterheads and official documents had to be printed in the Azerbaijani (Turkic) language. According to the order, a heading dedicated to the new alphabet was published in the newspapers “Ekinchi” and “Communist”. On October 20, 1923 CEC passed the decree on recognition of new Azerbaijan alphabet as official alphabet. According to this decree all the administrations and institutions were ordered to use both old and new alphabet. According to the decree of the Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan SSR dated July 31, 1923 all state institutions of Azerbaijan started using the Azerbaijani (Turkic) language. On October 16, 1923, according to the Soviet of People’s Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR, it was decided to issue documents for Azerbaijani citizenship using the Azerbaijani (Turkic) alphabet.

In the beginning of 1924 CC ACP(b) ordered commissariats, departments and enterprises to conduct official correspondence in the Azerbaijani (Turkic) language, and if necessary in Russian. The Council of People’s Commissars, the Council of People’s Commissars, the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, the People’s Commissariat of Education, the People’s Commissariat of Agriculture, local executive committees, village councils and other agencies were instructed to conduct correspondence in the Azerbaijani (Turkic) language. The Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR ordered all educational establishments to switch to the Azerbaijani (Turkic) language. To accomplish the task on transition to the new Azerbaijani (Turkic) alphabet the new commission was established by the decision of CEC of the AzSSR from June, 26, 1926. The commission had to complete the transition to the new Azerbaijani (Turkic) alphabet.

The First International Turkic Congress convened in Baku from February 26 to March 6, 1926 played a special role in the transition to the Latin alphabet. On October 11, 1928 by decision of the Central Committee of AC(b)P dated October 11, 1928, a commission was established to organise the creation of a new Azerbaijani alphabet. General compulsory education was introduced in the republic by the decision of CEC of May 29, 1928. The Sixth All-Azerbaijani Congress of Soviets (April, 1929) approved this positive decision of CEC and transition to the new Azerbaijani (Turkish) alphabet and considered it as an important event in the formation of “cultural revolution” in the Republic. The congress determined the main tasks of cultural building to be of great importance in the Republic. By the decision of CEC since January 1, 1929 the Republic shifted to the new alphabet.

On 21 July, 1928 the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR and  the Soviet of People’s Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR passed a resolution on obligatory and final transition to new Turkic (Latin) graphic alphabet in the Azerbaijan SSR. On October 11, 1929 the 4th session of the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR approved the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR and the Soviet of People’s Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR of July 21, 1928 and created a special commission for its implementation. The commission consisted of S. Aghamalioglu (chairman), G. Musabeyov, A.G. Garayev, A. Mammadov, I. Konushkin, G. Huseynov, K. Ishkova and M. Guliyev. On January 1, 1929 it was officially announced about transition of the Azerbaijani SSR to a new alphabet.
However, 10 years later, in 1939, Azerbaijan switched to the Cyrillic alphabet. Azerbaijan switched from the Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet, just after the fall of the Soviet Union and regaining its independence in 1991.

The Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and language is marked in the republic annually on August 1. 

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