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Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and the Azerbaijani language

Language is one of the important factors characterizing the face of a nation, it is its national wealth. The elevation of the national language to the status of the state language is a historical event, a golden page in the history of national statehood. Language is one of the most powerful means of preserving, developing, and transmitting the tangible and intangible heritage of any nation. Like all other national elements of Azerbaijan - a country with a rich heritage, ancient history and culture that has made an invaluable contribution to the development of mankind, our native language is also a source of pride for our people and a sign of our spiritual existence.

Thanks to the spread of Islam, the Arabic alphabet was widely used in our country, and for hundreds of years the Arabic language played the role of the language of religion, science, and education. However, the Arabic script, which for centuries served as cultural links between different peoples, could not fully reflect the sound structure of our language and did not create a clear idea of its structure and character. These shortcomings gave rise to the ideas of reforming the alphabet among the advanced enlightened intelligentsia of that time, headed by M.F. Akhundzade. However, this idea was not realized at that time.

The issue of the state language was at the center of attention of the newly formed government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. By its decision of June 27, 1918, the Government of the Republic declared the Azerbaijani language, which at that time was called Turkish, the state language. This decision is the first document on the use of the native language as the state language. Decisions made during the time of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic have retained their relevance in many issues related to language and education, and in a later period. The language policy continued after the fall of the republic.

In 1922, by the decision of the Azerbaijani government, a committee was formed to create a new alphabet. This committee was given the task of compiling the Latin alphabet for the Azerbaijani (Turkish) language. This was the first serious step towards the transition to a new alphabet. Since 1923, the process of switching to the Latin alphabet has accelerated. On the recommendation of the First All-Union Turkological Congress, held in 1926, since January 1, 1929, the Latin alphabet has been widely used in Azerbaijan. 

This event played an important role in the eradication of illiteracy in Azerbaijan. However, the fear of the leadership of the Soviet Empire gave rise to plans to change the Azerbaijani alphabet again. This happened in connection with the transition to the Latin alphabet in the Republic of Turkey, and, accordingly, cultural ties between all Turkic peoples living both in the USSR and abroad have strengthened.

On January 1, 1940, a decision was made to switch to the Cyrillic alphabet. Later, certain changes were made to the Azerbaijani Cyrillic alphabet to adapt the Cyrillic to the phonetic sound system of the Azerbaijani language. For more than half a century, valuable examples of Azerbaijani science and culture have been created in Cyrillic.

Despite the obstacles created during the Soviet era, the Azerbaijani language, which has unshakable foundations, managed to maintain its existence. The establishment in 1945 of an independent Institute of Linguistics as part of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences gave a serious impetus to the development of our linguistics as a science. Of note are the merits of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in protecting the Azerbaijani language from external threats and protecting it for future generations. In 1977, when the new Constitution of the USSR was adopted, the People's Leader, who did not agree that an article on the state language was not included in it, showed his principled position on this issue to the end. On April 2, 1978, at the seventh session of the Supreme Council of the ninth convocation, dedicated to the draft Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR and the results of its nationwide discussion, at the insistence of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the Supreme Council decided to amend Article 73. This change reflects the fact that the state language of the Azerbaijan SSR is Azerbaijani. Despite all the difficulties, the achievement by the National Leader of such a historic decision was a big step in the development of our language, which is considered the basis of our spiritual existence.

Since 1990, initiatives have been put forward in Azerbaijan to switch to the Latin alphabet, and academician Afad Gurbanov was the first expert to substantiate the need to switch to this alphabet with scientific facts. The draft of the new alphabet, drawn up by the Azerbaijan Alphabet Commission, which was established under his chairmanship on August 1, 1990, was adopted only after Azerbaijan gained independence. The law "On the restoration of the Latin alphabet" was adopted on December 25, 1991.

After the restoration of our independence, the efforts of the National Leader in the direction of protecting and developing the Azerbaijani language from the negative consequences of globalization were an indispensable contribution to our people. The decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev dated June 18, 2001 “On improving the use of the state Azerbaijani language” and on August 9, 2001 “On holding the Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and the Azerbaijani language” were an important event in the socio-political life of the country and fully ensured the transition to Azerbaijani alphabet with Latin script.

This is one of the unprecedented merits of Heydar Aliyev in the protection and development of our native language. Every year, August 1 is proudly celebrated in our country as the Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and the Azerbaijani language. On January 2, 2003, by the decree of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the state language in the Republic of Azerbaijan" came into force. The law clearly defines the main obligations of the state in the direction of caring for the native language.

Despite all the obstacles and difficulties, President Ilham Aliyev confidently continues the political line of the National Leader, who has taken great steps to protect our native language. The reprinting of well-known works in Latin, reflecting Azerbaijani literature and thought, took place on the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev. The decree “On the implementation of mass publications in the Azerbaijani language using the Latin alphabet” signed by the President on January 12, 2004, completely solved the problems associated with the alphabet. As a result of this, mass editions were translated into Latin. Thanks to the subsequent orders of the head of state, new editions from the 150-volume "World Literary Library", 100-volume "World Children's Literary Library", 100-volume series "Azerbaijan Literary Library" replenished the funds of republican libraries.

One of the important and successful events carried out by President Ilham Aliyev was the decree "On the publication of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia", signed on January 13, 2004. Also on December 30, 2007, by the decree “On approval of the list of works of outstanding representatives of world literature intended for publication in the Azerbaijani language”, a detailed application of the native language in all spheres of our life was launched. Considering the requirements and realities of the modern era, the President of Azerbaijan, by Order dated April 9, 2013, approved the “State Program on the use of the Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of the time and the development of linguistics in the country”, which became an important historical event. The purpose of the State Program is to increase the attention of the state to the use and study of the Azerbaijani language in the period 2013-2020, the use of our language in accordance with the requirements of the time in the context of globalization, as well as the improvement of language research in the country. At the same time, the document provides for the unification of creative efforts aimed at the development of fundamental and applied research in the leading areas of linguistics and the connection of linguistics with topical problems of modern society.

The Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated July 17, 2018 "On a number of measures to ensure the wider use of the Azerbaijani language in the electronic space" is of particular importance in terms of further expanding the scope of development and use of the Azerbaijani language. The decree “On measures to protect the purity of the Azerbaijani language and further improve the use of the state language”, signed by the head of state on November 1, 2018, once again confirms that the state language in our country is always in the spotlight. This document, concerning language building, is one of the important steps taken towards strengthening the national-moral, political-legal status of the Azerbaijani language.

The comprehensive development of our native language, turning it into the state language, opening the way to the world of diplomacy, being heard at the most prestigious events in the world is a matter of pride. Because language is not only a means of communication, but also the history, literature, culture of the people. Regardless of which country he lives in, every Azerbaijani should not forget his native language, religion, national customs, and traditions, and promote them. As our national leader Heydar Aliyev said: “Language relates to literature, culture, and spirituality. Without them, there is no formula for patriotism.”

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