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World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

Azerbaijan has historically been at the center of scientific and philosophical movements studying the Universe and outer space, in a place of technological revival. Nasreddin Tusi (1201-1274), a major representative of the eastern scientific school, worked at the observatory, which he personally built in the city of Maragha, located in the center of Azerbaijan. The observatory built by Tusi surpassed all the famous observatories of the East in its structure, size and scientific research carried out there. The observatory built by Tusi surpassed all the famous observatories of the East in its structure, size and scientific research carried out there. It is considered a unique academy for training personnel in the field of astronomy, geography and mathematical sciences for the whole world. The most valuable astronomical work of the Maragha Observatory is the “Tables of Elkhan” (“Zik Elkhani”). This work consisted of four books. Similar tables were created in Europe 400 years later. The Maragha Observatory had not only sundials and waterdials, celestial globes, armillary spheres, including quadrants for various purposes (wall-mounted, moving, etc.), instruments for observing eclipses, determining the equinox and the inclination of the ecliptic.
Today, national and regional space agencies work to advance space knowledge and apply space science and technology to improve the lives of people around the world. The establishment of Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is associated with the first man's flight into space. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to fly into space. This flight, which lasted only 108 minutes, marked the beginning of space exploration and exploration. By resolution of the Supreme Council of the former USSR dated April 9, 1962, April 12 was declared World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. This holiday was celebrated only in the USSR, starting in 1962. However, according to a resolution adopted unanimously at the 65th session of the UN General Assembly, since 1968, April 12 has been celebrated throughout the world as International Space Flight Day (Cosmonautics Day).
The International Astronautical Federation was founded in 1951 with the goal of restoring dialogue among space scientists during the Cold War, following World War II. Currently, the Federation includes more than 460 members from 110 countries, the study of the Earth's natural resources occurs more quickly and on a global scale. During the period of communist ideology, our National Leader, who attached particular importance to the creation of an important scientific, material and technical base in our country, skillfully took advantage of this opportunity and managed to hold the XXIV Congress of the International Astronautical Federation in Baku.  The XXIV International Astronautical Congress left an indelible mark on the space history of Azerbaijan. The successful completion of this congress, held in Baku in 1973, significantly increased confidence in the capabilities of our republic in this area. In 1974, the Caspian Scientific Center was established as part of the National Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR (ANAS). In the period after 1982, when Heydar Aliyev held high government positions outside the republic, a number of achievements were achieved in the space field - the Pulsar-X1 X-ray telescope developed at the plant successfully worked on Salyut-7 and Salyut. During this period, the Caspian Scientific Center changed its affiliation several times and since 1992 has operated as the National Aerospace Agency (NASA).
The change of power in the republic in 1988-1993 and the stagnation observed in the socio-economic sphere did not bypass the activities of NACA; a number of projects were not implemented. After 1993, when Heydar Aliyev headed the republic for the second time, a new stage began in the life of the department. Protocols on cooperation with well-known space scientific and educational centers of the world were signed, a new stage of promising projects began, our specialists were invited to countries in Europe and Asia, and our young personnel went to space centers of foreign countries to participate in internships and courses.
The formation of the modern space industry in Azerbaijan is associated with the name of President Ilham Aliyev. As in other areas, the reconstruction and formation of this area on modern principles was possible with a long-term strategic approach. Thus, in 2008, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was signed “On the creation of the space industry in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the launching of telecommunication satellites into orbit”, in 2009 - the “State program for the creation and development of the space industry in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, and the following year, to launch satellites into orbit, for the purpose of management and operation, the Azercosmos Open Joint Stock Company was created.
In 2013, the Azerspace-1 telecommunications satellite was launched into orbit, in 2014, the Azersky remote Earth observation satellite, and in 2018, the Azerspace-2 telecommunications satellite. The main goals of these satellite projects are to support the country's national security, promote socio-economic development, return investments made in satellite projects through expanded commercial activities, support scientific research to enhance the country's international image, and participate in international space initiatives.
Thanks to our country’s satellite “Azersky”, the entire territory of our country, through our satellites in space, is under control, creating the possibility of direct access to satellite images of anywhere in the world in high resolution and the presentation of the received information to the relevant government agencies and international organizations. In 2019, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a report entitled “Illegal activities in the territories of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia: satellite images, evidence” was prepared and presented to the world community.
The main control center for ground-based satellites of «Azercosmos» OJSC establishes mutually beneficial cooperation with space agencies of foreign countries on the use of outer space for peaceful purposes within the framework of international space projects. Since 2018, Azercosmos has been accepted as a member of the International Astronautical Federation, thereby gaining the opportunity to conduct joint research with the world's leading scientific centers.
Azerbaijan hosted the International Astronautical Congress for the second time in 50 years - in October 2023. The decision to hold the Congress in our country was made in October 2019 in the US capital Washington. Singapore, Rio de Janeiro and New Delhi are among the candidate cities to host this prestigious event. Our capital won the elections, which were held in conditions of intense competition. Currently, the federation includes more than 460 members from 110 countries. On February 7, 2022, President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on the establishment of the Organizing Committee for the 74th International Astronautical Congress in Baku in 2023. The participation of more than 5,000 representatives from more than 100 countries of the world at the Baku Congress created invaluable conditions for closer integration into the international space, the widespread use of modern technologies, digital development and the development of the construction of the space industry.
In the history of the statehood of our people, reforms carried out in the direction of integration into the global information space and the introduction of innovative criteria were carried out thanks to the merits of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev. All specialists working in this field have contributed to the development and strengthening of the space industry, defense and space industry, space technologies, and created conditions for even more active work.

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