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Professional holiday of migration bodies’ employees of the Republic of Azerbaijan

March 19 is the day of creation of the State Migration Service. According to the Decree of the President Ilham Aliyev dated March 17, 2007, March 19 is annually celebrated as a professional holiday of migration bodies’ employees of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ensures the rapid socio-economic development of Azerbaijan, the expansion of international relations in the field of energy and transport, at the same time, the geopolitical position of our country in the context of globalization has led the country to progress in strengthening migration processes. At the same time, the existence of a visa-free regime with a neighboring state provides for an increase in the number of foreigners passing through the territory of the territory for a transit period, arriving for a short period of time in order to continue movement to third countries, or wishing to stay in the country without legal grounds. This has necessitated the implementation of a migration policy consistent with the national interests in order to improve and develop the system for managing migration processes, coordinating the activities of government bodies and deepening international cooperation in this area in the interests of development and ensuring the security of the country. Taking into account all these realities, President Ilham Aliyev in recent years, within the framework of a unified state policy, has ensured the implementation of comprehensive measures in the field of regulating migration processes.
In order to manage and regulate migration processes, a number of serious steps have been taken in the field of both legislation and its application, and fundamental measures have been implemented. Thus, in 2004, the “State Migration Policy Concept of Azerbaijan Republic” was adopted, defining the main goals of state institutions. In order to implement this Concept and achieve the set goals, on July 25, 2006, the Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic “On approval of State Migration Program of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2006-2008)” was signed.
An objective necessity was the creation of a special state body that would implement a unified state policy in the field of migration on the basis of the State Program. Taking into account this need, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed Decree No. 560 on March 19, 2007 on the creation of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SMS). The State Migration Service, which implements state policy in the field of migration and has the powers defined by law to manage and regulate migration processes, was granted the status of a law enforcement agency.
To accelerate the integration of arriving foreigners into the society of the Republic of Azerbaijan, issue appropriate permits for legal residence and employment in the country to foreigners and stateless persons, simplify registration procedures at the place of residence, ensure transparency in this area and develop a migration management system, the President of the Republic of  Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed the Decree on March 4, 2009, on “Application of “single window” principle in the management of migration processes”. With the introduction of the “single window” principle, the migration management mechanism in the republic was improved.
Since December 1, 2008, Call Center 919 of the State Migration Service has been operating, providing services in Azerbaijani, English and Russian. The activities of this center have been completely reorganized, the quality of service has been brought to international standards by expanding technical capabilities.
In addition, in 2018, the MIGAZ mobile application was launched, providing foreign citizens with the opportunity to register at their place of residence, obtain temporary and permanent residence permits, check the presence of restrictions and the status of applications, as well as use a calculator to determine the date of last registration, carry out online payments and appointments. The application also provides access to ASAN Visa services and other areas of services. All relevant services are also provided by the State Migration Service in all Asan Xidmet centers (Asan Service).
In its activities, the State Migration Service is always guided by decrees, orders, instructions, and recommendations of the head of state, and in response to the high attention and care shown, it tries to establish its work at the level of the most modern requirements. Over the years, this state structure has been formed, strengthened and further developed. One of the most important events in the expansion of Azerbaijan’s international cooperation in the field of migration over the last period was the signing in 2021 of an agreement on the creation of a permanent Representative Office of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan (ICMPD).

Under the auspices of the State Migration Service, educational online meetings were held for foreigners and stateless persons. In the districts and cities under the jurisdiction of the regional migration administrations of the State Migration Service, educational and informational events were organized aimed at raising awareness about migration legislation.

The State Migration Service continuously focuses on introducing innovations, expanding the quantity and improving the quality of electronic services, as well as simplifying their use for users. Recently, significant work has been carried out to expand and improve electronic services in order to increase the level of citizen satisfaction. Specifically, two new electronic services were launched: “Notification of the acceptance of citizenship of a foreign state by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and “Determination of a person’s citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.” Also, in collaboration with the International Center for Migration Policy Development, the implementation of the project “Supporting the Implementation of the Migration Partnership between Azerbaijan and the EU (MOBILAZE 2)” was initiated.

The State Migration Service actively engages in the implementation of social projects, paying special attention to organizing events for the families of martyrs (shehid) and veterans, supporting the activities of the “Migration Volunteer” public association, and the “Migration School-5” project. Additionally, initiatives aimed at assisting low-income families of foreigners and persons with refugee status are being carried out, including a variety of social projects and educational programs.

The main task of the State Migration Service today is to function fully as a body of the central executive authority, and it successfully meets this challenge. It can be confidently stated that, despite the short period since its establishment, the Migration Service timely an adequately fulfills all the tasks entrusted to it in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Thanks to the personal special attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the fully formed activities of the Migration Service play a significant role in regulating migration processes throughout the country and strengthening control in this area.

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