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Writer, playwright, screenwriter Sabit Rahman

Sabit Karim oglu Mahmudov (Sabit Rahman) was born on March 26, 1910, in Shaki. After receiving his primary education in Shaki, he studied at the A. Shaig Model School in Baku. In 1924, he enrolled in the Baku Darulmuallimin, a teacher's training school established to train male teachers after the Bolsheviks occupied Azerbaijan. He was taught by masters such as H. Javid, A. Shaig, and S. Huseyn. After graduating from the school where Gantamir was the principal, he returned to Shaki in 1926 and was appointed as a teacher at the school he had previously attended. Eventually, he came to Baku to pursue higher education. He continued his studies at the Philology Faculty of the Baku Higher Pedagogical Institute (now known as the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University) from 1929 to 1932. Starting from these years, he contributed to newspapers and magazines including “Molla Nəsrəddin,” “Kommunist,” “Gənc işçi,” “Yeni yol,” “Dağıstan füqərası,” and “Nuxa fəhləsi” through various genres, such as articles, poems, and feuilletons.

The publication of the books "Şirin bülbül" (1932) and "Pozğun" (1932) garnered interest in the literary community. Inspired by this, S. Rahman wrote the story "Vəfasız." Azerbaijani critics sharply criticized the work, and the author was compelled to leave Baku. He returned to Shaki, studied Azerbaijani village life, and returned to Baku after receiving a telegram inviting him to participate in the First Congress of Soviet Writers of Azerbaijan. Working as the artistic director of a theater for a while brought him closer to this environment. Studying screenwriting in Moscow for two years significantly contributed to his transition into filmmaking. The success of the comedies "Toy" and "Xoşbəxtlər" soon put his name alongside satirists of the time such as O. Korniychuk, B. Romashov, I. Ilf, V. Petrov, and M. Zoshchenko. He enriched Azerbaijani comedy poetics with works like "Aşnalar" (1945), "Aydınlıq" (1949), "Nişanlı qız" (1953), "Əliqulu evlənir" (1961), "Yalan" (1965), "Dirilər" (1970), and others.

The first film comedy in Azerbaijani art, "Arşın mal alan" (1941), and the first musical film comedy, "Əhməd haradadır" (1964), are closely linked to the work of S. Rahman. Notable films such as "O olmasın, bu olsun," "Ulduz," and "Koroğlu" mark significant chapters in cinema history. Throughout his creative journey, S. Rahman also wrote the musical comedies "Ulduz" and "Hicran," contributing to the genre's development.

His literary and artistic heritage encompasses over fifty stories, the short novels "Son faciə" and "Arzular," the novel "Nina" (1947), the novel "Böyük günlər" (1952), several plays, articles, translations, librettos, and essays.

In 1943, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour twice, along with several medals.

Sabit Rahman died on September 23, 1970, in Baku.

The Shaki State Drama Theater and streets in Baku and Shaki are named after Sabit Rahman.

Recommended literature:

  1. Gülüş gözəllikdir: [Sabit Rəhman haqqında məqalələr, xatirələr] /Tərtib edənlər: E. Sabitoğlu, A. Səfiyev; Red.: Dilsuz. - Bakı: Qapp-Poliqraf, 2002. - 144 s.
  2. Ağayeva, Məlahət Rəfail qızı. Sabit Rəhman komediyalarında şəxsiyyət və cəmiyyət problemi: [monoqrafiya] /M. Ağayeva ; elmi red. N. Ağayeva. - Bakı: "Zəngəzurda" ÇE, 2024. - 174 s.
  3. Əhmədov, Bədirxan Balaca oğlu. Sabit Rəhman: həyatı, mühiti, yaradıcılığı: [monoqrafiya] /B. Əhmədov ; red. R. Məmmədov. - Bakı: Elm və təhsil, 2010. – 292 s.