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The Azerbaijani Police Day

July 2 is the Police Day in Azerbaijan. According to the Decree No. 710 signed by the national leader Heydar Aliyev on May 24, 1998, July 2 - the day of the establishment of the first police authorities within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918, was declared as Azerbaijani Police Day.

The formation of independent police in Azerbaijan for the first time is directly related to the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
On May 28, 1918, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established within the national government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which declared its independence. On June 24, 1918, the government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic pronounced a Decree No. 178, paragraph 42-a, "On the employees of government institutions who left their positions". For the practical implementation of that decision, the government adopted a special resolution on the formation of an independent police force in Ganja province, providing for and confirming the new staff and salary increase on July 2, 1918, based on the report of the Minister of Internal Affairs, B. Javanshir. This state legislative act legally secured the establishment of the independent Azerbaijan police. Fatali Khan Khoyski was the first Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (28.05.1918 - 17.06.1918). Ministers of Internal Affairs after Fatali Khan Khoyski were Javanshir Behbudkhan (17.06.1918 – 26.12.1918), Khalil bey Khasmammadov (26.12.1918 – 16.06.1919), Nasib bey Yusifbeyli (16.06.1919 – 22.12.1919), Mammadhasan Hajinski ( 22.12. 1919 – 15.02.1920) and Mustafabey Vekilov (15.02.1920 – 28.04.1920). During the period of its activity covering the years 1918-1920, the ministry and the police, which were part of it, played a significant role in the formation of the Azerbaijani state, in the protection of national interests, and were at the forefront of the defense of independence.

After the collapse of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on April 27, 1920, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan SSR, which operated under the Union Ministry of Internal Affairs during the USSR, was essentially an institute of the socialist structure. However, despite this, during that period, the internal affairs authorities of Azerbaijan gained great experience in the field of combating crime, protecting public order and public security, acquired high knowledge and professional training, steadfastly stood guard over order and peace in the republic, and were strengthened organizationally. The first Minister of Internal Affairs of Soviet Azerbaijan was Hamid Sultanov (28.04.1920 - 01.06.1921). The name of the police was also changed to militia. Bailiffs were changed into commissars.
About 800 officers of the Azerbaijani police fought with exemplary heroism in the fight against fascism in 1941-45 and were awarded various orders and medals.   
In 1988, the militia was the first to repulse the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, and in subsequent years, it was the units of the Internal Troops. In these battles, 1,695 police officers and military personnel were martyred, and 1,710 people were injured. 67 people were conferred the title of National Hero of Azerbaijan, and 1143 people were awarded orders and medals for their courage and bravery. 

After Azerbaijan regained its independence, the civil strife caused by the struggle for power within the country, and the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, supported by foreign forces, drove the republic into an abyss. At such a time, after the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s return to power at the insistence of the people, that is, after June 15, 1993, the foundation was laid for the transition from chaos to liberation, radical positive changes took place in the social and political life of the country and the criminogenic situation. One of the promptly implemented measures was the rectification of injustice in law enforcement authorities, the formation of employee loyalty to the state and the people, and the recruitment of staff who prioritize professional duty and the rule of law above all else.
The Decree on measures strengthening the rule of law and the fight against crime signed by the national leader Heydar Aliyev in 1994 created a conceptual basis for the fight against crime. Stability was established in the country and the growing dynamics of crime was prevented. Special measures were taken against organized criminal groups.
Socio-political stability and peace in the society were completely restored and became inviolable, the criminogenic situation was brought under control. People's trust and confidence in the police and state structures increased. In subsequent periods, laws, decrees, and orders were issued to create the legal and organizational basis for internal affairs bodies. Reforms were carried out in the system of ministry in accordance with the requirements of the modern era, new structural institutions were created, and several decrees and orders were signed aimed at the social protection of employees of law enforcement authorities.        

After the election of Mr. Ilham Aliyev as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in October 2003, our country has entered a new stage of development, ensuring social and political stability and order became the symbol of our independent state, confidently moving into the future.  Within the framework of the comprehensive reforms carried out by the head of state, all necessary measures have been taken to modernize the law enforcement authorities. Over the past years, various decrees and orders have been signed to hold the interest of society and establish it in accordance with advanced international practice. Significant measures have been taken based on the State Program adopted in 2004 at the initiative of the President of Azerbaijan to improve the structure and legal framework of the ministry, to improve its material and technical supply, to strengthen the social protection of personnel, and to inform about the role of the police in a democratic society.  

Police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan demonstrated their patriotism and courage in the glorious Patriotic War as well. 66 officers of the Internal Troops’ staff were martyred, and 346 servicemen were injured during the 44-day Patriotic War, which is written with golden letters in the history of Azerbaijan. 1,690 employees of the Internal Troops, who fought heroically for the liberation of our homeland from occupation, were awarded various orders and medals, including 4 people were conferred the title of Hero of the Patriotic War. 
The law enforcement authorities, always defending the national interests will continue to contribute to the important activities implemented by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev for the sake of the sustainable development of Azerbaijan, also to ensure security, public order, and safety.

Recommended literature:

  1. Әлијарлы, Илтифат Муса оғлу. Мүстәгил Азәрбајҹан полисинин јаранмасы вә фәалијјәти : 1918-1920-ҹи илләр / И. М. Әлијарлы, Т. Р. Беһбудов ; елми ред. А. Пашајев. - Бакы : н. ј., 1998. - 160 с.
  2. Polis Akademiyasının tarixi : 1921-2001 / Azərbaycan Respublikası DİN-in Polis Akademiyası ; tərt.: R. İ. Rəsulov, N. H. Cəfərli ; red. U. H. Canıyeva. - Bakı : Novruz-94 nəşriyyatı, 2001. - 120 s.
  3. Əliyarlı, İltifat Musa oğlu. Azərbaycan Daxili İşlər Orqanlarının tarixi : ensiklopedik soraq kitabı / İ. M. Əliyarlı, T. R. Behbudov ; elmi red. İ. Ö. Vəliyev. I kitab: Xronoloji toplu : 1840-2003-cü illər. - Bakı : Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası NPB, 2003. - 248 s.
  4. Qarayev, Faiq Sarı oğlu. Polis mənəvi ideyanın gerçəkliyidir : monoqrafiya / F. S. Qarayev ; elmi red. A. İ. Tağıyev. - Bakı : Mütərcim, 2017. - 312 s.
  5. Əliyarlı, İltifat Musa oğlu. Azərbaycan Polisinin yaranması və təşəkkülü tarixindən : 1918-1920-ci illər: qısa tarixi tədqiqat / İ. M. Əliyarlı ; elmi red. Ş. Qasımov. - Bakı : Mütərcim, 2018. - 128 s.
  6. Məmmədov, Tohid Dilən oğlu. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Beynəlxalq Cinayət Polisi Təşkilatı və onun "İnterpol" sistemində fəaliyyəti / T. D. Məmmədov ; layihənin rəh. Y. M. Mahmudov ; elmi red. H. C. Əlibəyli ; AMEA A.A. Bakıxanov adına Tarix İnstitutu. - Bakı : Elm və təhsil, 2020. - 528 s.