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World Teachers' Day

5 October is World Teachers' Day. The decision to celebrate this date was adopted by UNESCO for the first time on October 5, 1966. The UNESCO Recommendation has been considered an important set of guidelines to promote teachers’ status in the interest of quality education. At present teachers celebrate their professional holiday in more than 100 countries of the world on October 5. 
In independent Azerbaijan, the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev issued a decree on this holiday. Our national leader Heydar Aliyev always appreciated the work of teachers and spoke warmly about them. He remembered his teachers with sincere gratitude and expressed appreciation for their services. Heydar Aliyev always treated teachers with respect and honour during his presidency and took care of the improvement of their financial situation and welfare. He said: "Each of us has a particle of the teacher's warm heart in us. It is the teacher who taught us to love our native land and to work honestly for the benefit of all with wisdom and patience."
World Teachers' Day has been celebrated in Azerbaijan since 1993, after the declaration of independence. Special attention is paid to this day at the state level in our country. As a result of teacher's work society is formed, educated, knowledgeable, exemplary people grow up. These people contribute to the further development of society. At present, the people who are actively involved in strengthening the independence of our country are teachers. Teachers are considered architects who have the potential to shape society.  
Holding this celebration at the international level, indeed, contains the human embodiment of great love. The teacher's power and merit are irreplaceable in delivering key behaviours and practices to millions of people. Furthermore, their pedagogical approaches share certain characteristics. They identify alternative pathways for students to learn content, and they focus on stimulating thinking and learning. A teacher is a master, he teaches, he empowers.

The congresses of Azerbaijani teachers, demonstrating the dynamics of the development of our national education, occupy a special place in the history of our education. The first congress of Azerbaijani teachers was held in 1906. The congress discussed the existing programs in the Azerbaijani language, as well as such issues as the preparation of new personnel, also relevant textbooks, the conduct of instruction in the native language, and improvement of the situation of rural teachers. The 11th, 12th, and 13th congresses of Azerbaijani teachers held during the period of independence gained the status of supreme assemblies in this field. At the 12th Congress of Teachers held on October 4, 2003, the problems of our national education and the tasks ahead were discussed, and it was emphasized that under the leadership of National leader Heydar Aliyev, the Azerbaijani school and our national education have achieved great success. The last 13th Congress of Teachers of Azerbaijan was held on September 22, 2008. In the speeches at the Congress, it was noted that Azerbaijani education attracts the attention of world-scale organizations with its success in all parameters. The achievements in the education system were also reflected in the speeches of President Ilham Aliyev.  

The 21st century is often referred to as the age of science and information because of the unprecedented access to information that is available to people. The development taking place in the world in this field requires the establishment of the education of Azerbaijan at the world level. The great attention paid to the development of education serves to promote Azerbaijan on a global scale and secure its rightful place. The innovations achieved in the education system increased the speed of integration of Azerbaijani science into the world.

Education plays a very important role in all areas of society creating opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills that are literally changing the world. It is the foundation of a successful society. The training of teachers and their professional advancement has always been in the focus of attention in Azerbaijan. Several higher and secondary specialized institutions have extensive experience in training teaching staff. In addition to Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku State University, Azerbaijan University of Languages, the Azerbaijan Teachers Institute and its branches have also been training highly qualified teachers in recent years. 

The level of education is experiencing a new phase in terms of quality. The modern youth brings a sense of responsibility to the fore and reveals its potential for the future development of Azerbaijan. Effecting changes in social and political life leads to the integration of young people into the world. Today, the ideas of enlightenment of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev are successfully implemented by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Speaking about the development of education, the restoration and repair of new educational institutions, the First Vice-President, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva’s activities, should also be mentioned. As it is known, one branch of the foundation's activity is focused on education. At the initiative of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, great attention and care are devoted to schools. The construction and restoration of new school buildings contribute to the development of modern education. Today, if there is care for education, it means that Azerbaijan is developing, because life begins with education. Teachers have improved the quality of teaching by using new technologies. They identify alternative pathways for students to learn content, and they focus on stimulating thinking and learning.
The Heydar Aliyev Foundation's support of this state program stands out for its excellence. Besides direct participation in the construction of schools in the country, the Foundation also provides them with visual aids and school supplies. New, modern schools, new educational complexes completely change the educational conditions of the students and raise the level of education. All these measures make real the idea of President Ilham Aliyev "Children should study in good schools, and teachers should work in good schools".  The steps taken in the direction of increasing the salaries of educational workers, rewarding them, conferring honorary titles, and strengthening the social protection of teachers are also a great incentive for educational workers and increase their responsibility. For several years now, the competitions "The Best General Education School" and "The Best Teacher" have been held in our country by decree of President Ilham Aliyev. The presentation of the "The Best General Education School" and "The Best Teacher" awards also serve to raise the status and reputation of the school and the teacher.
The complex measures implemented in recent years related to the development of education, the inclusion of this factor among the important principles of state policy by President Ilham Aliyev, and comprehensive care for education workers testify to his determination to see the future of the state more reliable and confident.

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