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People's Poet Nariman Hasanzadeh

Nariman Alimammad oghlu Hasanzadeh was born on February 18, 1931, in Poylu, Gazakh District (present-day Aghstafa District).

Young Nariman, who lost his father at age one and his mother at 23, received his primary and secondary education in his region and graduated from the philology faculty of the current Ganja State  University in 1949-53. He served in the army from 1954 to 1956.

In 1961, he graduated from the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow, obtaining his second higher education, and also studied at the two-year Higher Literature Courses in Moscow.

Between 1962 and 1965, he was a postgraduate student at the History of Azerbaijani Literature department of Azerbaijan State University. In 1965, he defended his dissertation on "Azerbaijan-Ukraine Literary Relations," earning the degree of Candidate of Sciences.

In 1962, he worked as a senior editor at the Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee, later as an editor at the Children's and Youth Literature Publishing House, as a department head at the "Azerbaijani Youth" newspaper, the "Azerbaijan" magazine, and as the editor-in-chief of the "Literature and Art" newspaper between 1976-1990. He was the director of the Azerbaijani branch of the USSR Writers' Literary Foundation. From 1991 to 2001, he served as the first deputy minister of press and information, and he replaced the minister of press and information by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In 1954, he was elected a member of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, and later a member of its Board.

He was a People's Deputy of Azerbaijan from 1991 to 1995.

He has been active in the press since 1953. His works have been translated into the languages of the former USSR and many foreign countries, into English, French, German, Persian, Italian, Czech, Hindi, Arabic, Croatian, etc.

“Seçilmiş əsərləri” ("Selected Works") was printed in Baku by Azernashr in 1987, “Söyüd”  ("Willow") in Tehran in 1990, and “Seçilmiş əsərləri” ("Selected Works") by Merani in Tiflis in 1983. The story “Nabat xalanın çörəyi” ("Auntie Nabat's Bread") was released in Russian by the "Molodaya Gvardiya" publishing house in Moscow in 1987 and in Georgian in Tbilisi in 1998.

Nariman Hasanzadeh is also known as the author of epic-dramatic poems such as “Nəriman” (“Nariman”) published by Azernashr in 1968, “Zümrüd quşu” (“Phoenix”) issued by Ganjlik in 1976, “Kimin sualı var?” (“Who has a question?”) issued by Ganjlik in 1984. All three poems have also been released in Russian.

The play “Bütün Şərq bilsin” ("May the All East Know") was first performed at the Sumgayit State Drama Theater in 1980, later at the Academic National Drama Theater in 1982, and at the Moscow Academic Theatre of Vladimir Mayakovsky in 1983 and was awarded. The plays in verse “Atabəylər” ("Atabeys") (1984) and “Pompeyin Qafqaza yürüşü” ("Caucasian campaign of Pompey") (1997) were staged at the Academic National Drama Theater and the Nakhchivan State Musical Drama Theatre. The play "Atabeys" was staged as an anniversary performance on the 80th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in 2004.

The national poet is the author of 34 artistic and poetic collections and a substantial volume of scholarly, literary, and critical articles titled “Tariximiz, taleyimiz” ("Our History, Our Destiny"). In 2004, the state put out his "Selected Works" in mass editions in Latin script. More than 100 of his poems have been set to music. He worked on the cantatas “Nəriman” ("Nariman") with the composer R. Mustafayev and “Vətən” ("Homeland") with N. Aliverdibeyov.

N. Hasanzadeh has participated in various scientific and literary conferences, poetry symposiums, and official state visits across several European and Eastern countries. In 1992, he delivered speeches on behalf of the delegation as a People's Deputy at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the International Budapest Congress.

Works by the national poet Nariman Hasanzadeh have been printed in the foreign press, including the poem “Vətənsiz” ("Without a homeland" ) in Romania (2009) and the poem “Nuru Paşa” ("Nuri Pasha") in nine Turkish magazines.

He currently works as the head of the Department of Humanities at the National Aviation Academy and is an associate professor. He is a member of the National Aviation Academy Scientific Council. In 2004, at the 11th Congress of Azerbaijani Writers, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Literature Foundation by a secretariat decision.

In 2002, he was elected a corresponding member and in 2004, an academician of the International Academy of Sciences (Azerbaijani branch). He was awarded the Honorary Orders of Azerbaijan and Belarus. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, N. Hasanzadeh was awarded the honorary title of People's Poet in 2005.

He was awarded the orders of "Şərəf" (2011) and "İstiqlal" (2021) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a personal presidential scholarship.

Recommended literature:

  1. Cəfərov, Nizami Qulu oğlu. Nəriman Həsənzadə /N. Q. Cəfərov (ön söz) ; red. D. Osmanlı. - Bakı: AzAtaM, Elm və təhsil, 2009. - 46 s.
  2. Nəriman Həsənzadə haqqında yazılanlar /Azərb. Resp. Mədəniyyət və Turizm Nazirliyi ; tərt. N. Həsənzadə ; red. G. Əmrullahqızı. - Bakı: Nağıl Evi, 2012. - 570 s.
  3. Kəsəmənli, Şəlalə Xanputa qızı. Nəriman Həsənzadə: "Ömür-yarı sual, yarı imtahan..." /Ş. Kəsəmənli (tərt. ed., red.); ön söz. müəl. F. Məmmədov. - Bakı: OL, 2014. - 290 s.