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World Environment Day

Since its inception, including during our times, humanity has not hesitated to intervene in the natural environment surrounding it for its benefit. Spontaneous, inefficient use of natural resources for centuries has led to fundamental changes in the natural environment worldwide. 97 million square km of the earth's land area has been anthropogenically affected. The area of 52 million square kilometers still preserves its natural state. The growth of the world population by more than 80 million people every year, the rise of its daily demand, the constant increase in the use of natural resources, the introduction of new technologies in the energy, industry, agriculture, and transport complex, the expansion of production, the growing anthropogenic changes of the natural cover of the world territory, economic relations expansion on a global scale and other factors seem to harm the environment. The scientific and technical progress that started at the beginning of the 19th century and the rapid development of industry affected the environment manifesting the negative consequences in the middle of the 20th century. People have already realized that unless they do not change their attitude towards nature and stop the inefficient use of its resources, this process will turn against them leading to undesirable results. Finally, considering the acuteness of the situation, the importance of enhancing environmental awareness among the population and focusing on environmental protection issues, in 1972, at the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, it was decided to designate 5 June as World Environment Day. Starting from the following year, that day began to be solemnly celebrated all over the world.

World Environment Day is held in Azerbaijan every year. The matter of environmental protection in our country is associated with the name of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. During the first reign of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Azerbaijan (1969-1982), 8 laws and 32 resolutions were adopted on ecology, environmental protection, and efficient use of natural resources. In this period, specially protected natural areas were expanded, new parks, green spaces, and forests were created, and the teaching of subjects in this area became a field of increased focus. After the National Leader's return to the country leadership in 1993, several laws and resolutions on environmental protection and effective use of natural resources for the welfare of the people were adopted in Azerbaijan, the legislative framework was improved, and our country joined several international conventions. On December 30, 1997, Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Approval of the Forest Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan", on June 4, 1999, Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Animal World", on June 8, 1999, Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Environmental Protection", " The National Programs on forest restoration and expansion in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, on December 10, 2002, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Environmental Education and Enlightenment of the Population" was adopted.

President Ilham Aliyev's constant focus on issues related to ecology has given a great impetus to environment improvement activities. Large projects in this field have been successfully implemented and are being continued. The National Programme on Environmentally Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, approved by the President of the country in 2003, further improved environmental policy and created opportunities for its implementation. His declaration of 2010 as the "Year of Ecology", as well as the "Ecological Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan" based on the principles of "Sustainable Development" as the first document on environmental policy, the “State Program on Environmental Improvement and Efficient Use of Natural Resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2016-2020" is of paramount importance for the country in terms of environmental protection. In 2012, according to the Environmental Performance Index released by Yale and Columbia universities, the outstanding research centers, Azerbaijan ranked second among 132 countries on efforts aimed at environmental protection over the past decade.

In addition, with the “A Tree Per Person” motto of the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mehriban Aliyeva, and at the initiative of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and IDEA Public Union, numerous projects aimed at protecting the nature of Azerbaijan are being implemented.

Every year on the eve of 5 June - World Environment Day, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources implements various measures for environmental protection, effective use of nature, underground water, mineral raw material resources, and terrestrial resources, their restoration and protection, and preservation of biological diversity. With the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the project “Conservation, reintroduction, and restoration of natural habitats of gazelle on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan” aimed at protecting biodiversity was implemented. The creation of national parks is successfully continued, and long-term state plans to protect natural resources are envisaged.

One of the main priorities of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources is reforestation in the liberated territories and the implementation of projects to that end. Before the occupation, about 228-230 thousand hectares of those territories were forest-covered. These forests were deliberately burned and exploited. More than 54 thousand hectares of land were destroyed. In Gubadli, Fuzuli, and Jabrayil regions, 1600, 900, and 500-year-old Eastern plane trees were exposed to ecological terrorism. At present, in our territories liberated from occupation, the state is taking important action to eliminate the consequences of the environmental terrorism caused by Armenians and to restore the flora and fauna of nature. Accordingly, in addition to the “Friendship Forest” complex, smart planting is also being established in the areas liberated from occupation. Moreover, afforestation and reforestation are being carried out in Karabakh and East Zangazur economic regions. International practice is used for the treatment of rivers affected by chemical pollution.

With global warming and climate change, extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods are becoming more frequent. These events lead to food and water security issues, and augmented land use conflicts in regions with drought and extreme weather events. Climate change affects human health, causing the growth of disease, temperature rise and habitat change, extinction of many plant and animal species, loss of biodiversity, and disruption of ecosystem balance. The spread of fossil fuel use and the consequent increase of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have led to a rise in global temperatures. Currently, Azerbaijan is paying special attention to this kind of problem. The development of "green energy" and its access to world markets are now the priority of Azerbaijan's energy policy. For this purpose, a large renewable energy generation plant has been commissioned in Azerbaijan. The 230-megawatt solar power plant is already fully integrated into our energy system. Upsizing the share of renewable energy in the installed capacity of electricity to 30 percent by 2030 has been set as a target. A more ambitious goal has been set for the post-2030 period: reducing greenhouse gases by 40 percent by 2050. Solar energy can be obtained almost all over the country, and the most promising areas in terms of wind energy use are Khizi, Khazar, Absheron, Gobustan regions, and Baku. Kalbajar, Lachin, Gubadli, Zangilan, Jabrayil, and Fuzuli are rich in solar energy, Kalbajar and Lachin are known for their strong winds. Natural, mountain rivers Tartarchay, Bazarchay, and Hakari have energy-generating potential. This will contribute to electricity production without harming the atmosphere. Based on the signed contracts and memoranda of understanding, 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy and energy sources will be created in Azerbaijan in the next few years. Azerbaijan is planned to be among the leaders in the world in this field as well.

The international community highly appreciates Azerbaijan’s climate action. Therefore, the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which is considered one of the most prestigious events in the world due to the number and level of participants and the urgency of the issues discussed, will be held in Azerbaijan in 2024 by the unanimous decision of the countries of the world. COP29 will feature pavilions from various countries. As every state demonstrates its progress, Azerbaijan will also present its "Green Energy", "Smart City", and "Smart Village" and other accomplishments, as well as the projects and plans for the future.

Addressing environmental challenges in the society-nature global system requires international cooperation and mutual global agreement. The Republic of Azerbaijan is trying to solve global and regional environmental issues within the framework of international cooperation. The international community highly appreciates the ecological action taken by the Azerbaijani state.   Properly handling environmental problems requires fundamental education of our society. We must all unite for a sustainable future to help overcome these challenges. Although solving environmental problems requires the joint action and integration of the countries, everyone should bear an ecological responsibility, join tree planting actions, use water sparingly, and contribute to environmental protection and greening.

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  2. Məmmədov, Qərib Şamil oğlu. Ekologiya və ətraf mühitin mühafizəsi / Q. Ş. Məmmədov, M. Y. Xəlilov.- Bakı: Elm, 2005.- 880 s.
  3. Məmmədov, Qərib Şamil oğlu. Ekologiya, ətraf mühit və insan: dərslik / Q. Ş. Məmmədov, M. Y. Xəlilov; elmi red. B. Ə. Budaqov.- Bakı: Elm, 2006.- 608 s.
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