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Statesman and writer Yusif Vezir Chemenzeminli

Yusif Mirbaba oglu Vazirov, diplomat and writer, the first ambassador of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic to Ottoman Turkey, was born in 1877 in Shusha. In 1915, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Kiev. He knew eleven languages. YV Chamanzaminli started publishing in 1906. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the life of the towns and villages of Azerbaijan was reflected in colorful paints. His works such as "Police Shineli" and "Zeynal Bey" were dedicated to the cruel policy of tsarism in Azerbaijan. After graduating from the University, Chamanzaminli lived for some time in Simferopol, Odessa, Saratov, Istanbul and Paris.
After returning to Baku, Yusif Vazir published the series of the articles in the "Azerbaijan" newspaper entitled "Our Foreign Policy", "Our National and Cultural Affairs".

At the suggestion of the chair of the Council of the Ministers of the Azerbaijan People's Republic, Nasibbey Usubbeyov, he was sent to Istanbul in 1919 as an ambassador of the newly formed republic. In addition to his diplomatic career in Istanbul, Yusif Vazir continues his literary career. Thus, in order to introduce Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani literature to the Turkic world, he wrote the books "A look at Azerbaijani literature", "Historical, geographical and economic Azerbaijan", rich in scientific observations, and published them in 1921 in Istanbul.

After the establishment of the Soviet government in Azerbaijan, Yusif Vazir announced the end of his post and went to visit his younger brother Miri (Mirabdulla), who studied at the Faculty of Diplomacy of the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris.

By the decision of the All-Union Executive Committee of January 18, 1926, Yusif Vezir was granted as a Soviet citizenship. In the same year, he returned to his homeland and took up creative work, collaborating with newspapers and magazines.

Yusif Vazir first worked as an editor of the art department at the Baku Worker Publishing House, then as a lawyer in the socio-cultural department of the State Planning Committee, and began teaching. He first taught at the Faculty of the Oriental Studies and Pedagogy of the Azerbaijani State University, and then at the Department of the Azerbaijani and Russian languages at the Pedagogical, Medical and Petroleum Institutes. At the same time, Yusif Vazir was one of the authors of the "Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary" edited by Ruhulla Akhundov.

When Yusif Vazir worked at the Azerbaijan Oil Institute in 1930-1935, he wrote and published many articles in the journal "Oil Institute News" published at the same institute, along with the article "Oil and its history".

In 1937, Yusif Vezir was suspended from work under the various pretexts.

An announcement in the Kommunist newspaper in 1938 said that a competition was announced for the position of a teacher of the Russian language at the Khorezm Regional Pedagogical Institute in Urgench, Uzbek SSR. Yusif Vezir collects documents and sends them to Urgench. He passes the competition and receives an invitation from the administration. In August 1938, Yusif Vezir went to Urgench. Appointed to the post of senior lecturer at the Urgench Pedagogical Institute, as well as director of the Institute's library.

Y.V. Chemenzeminli became a victim of Stalinist repressions. On January 25, 1940, he was arrested in Urgench and taken to Baku. After spending about six months in the Keshlya concentration camp, on July 3, 1940, he was sent to the Sukhobezvodnaya station of the Nizhny Novgorod region, where he died on January 3, 1943. They bury him on January 4 at the cemetery on the banks of the Vetluga River. In 1956, Yusif Vezir was rehabilitated.

The theme of the first novel by Y. V. Chemenzeminli "Students" is taken from the writer's life in Kiev. In 1936-1937, he wrote the works "In Blood" and "Between Two Fire", which tells about the life of the great poet Vagif, the vizier of the Karabakh khan. From under his pen came the works "The Maiden Spring", "Khazrati Shahriyar" and a number of other novels, comedies and scripts. The works of Yu.V. Chemenzeminli are distinguished by simplicity of language, soft artistic description and unique lyrical shades. His works were published in Paris and Istanbul.

Streets, schools, libraries in Baku and Shusha, a number of other cultural and educational institutions of the country are named after him.

Recommended literature:

  1. Axundova, Məryəm Yusif qızı. Yusif Vəzir Çəmənzəminli /M. Axundova ; elmi red. K. Məmmədov. - Bakı: Yazıçı, 1981. - 103 s.
  2. Vəzirov, Orxan Yusif oğlu. Atam Yusif Vəzir Çəmənzəminli haqqında /Orxan Vəzirov; Red.: Q. İlkin. - Bakı: Azərnəşr, 1997. - 120 s.
  3. Məmmədov, Kamran Dadaş oğlu. (Dadaşoğlu Kamran). Yusif Vəzir Çəmənzəminli: məşələ dönmüş ömür /K. Məmmədov ; ixtisas red. T. Hüseynov ; rəyçi K. Talıbzadə. - Bakı: Azərnəşr, 1987. - 269 s.
  4. Məcidqızı, Leyla. (İmaməliyeva). Yusif Vəzir Çəmənzəminli və rus mədəniyyəti /L.Məcidqızı; Elmi red.: T.Hüseynoğlu; Rəyçilər: İ.Əliyeva, V.Sultanlı. - Bakı: Azərnəşr, 2002. - 152 s.