The world-renowned geologist Mirali Gashgay Seidali oglu was born on January 7, 1907 in the city of Ganja. In 1912, he was educated in Ganja gymnasium. In 1924 he enrolled in the Department of Mining Prospecting faculty of Azerbaijan State Polytechnic Institute. In 1930, after the completion of studies toward, he headed for exploration work on the alunite field Zaylik. From 1930 to 1935 he studied at the post-graduate school Petrographic Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). In Moscow at a meeting of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the USSR he defended his thesis "On the geological and petrological and geochemical characteristics of the mineral springs Istisu".
M. Gashgay has conducted extensive geological studies in many regions of Azerbaijan and comprehensively studied geology and mineralogy of minerals and non-metallic ore deposits. His many works, including the two-volume work devoted to research alunite fields of the world, became required reading book of Geologists mineralogists of the country.
Academician M. Gashgay solved a number of fundamental problems in connection with ore formation processes. He was not only an outstanding scientist, but also a skilled organizer of science. In 1938, M. Gashgay has become one of the founders of the Institute of Geology. On the initiative and with the assistance of scientists of geological and geographical faculty were created Department of Petrography, Mineralogy and Crystallography at the Azerbaijan State University and the Museum of Mineral Resources. For years, Academician M. Gashgay was in charge of the Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Ore Deposits at the Geology Institute and created a large school.
In 1942, M. Gashgay defended doctoral thesis on "Mineralogical and petrological studies in the field of basic and ultrasensitive rocks of Azerbaijan".
In 1944 and 1946 M. Gashgay was awarded the medal "For Defense of the Caucasus", "For valorous labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 years" and the order "Red Banner of Labor."
In 1945 he was elected an active member and the first academician-secretary of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and in 1946 received the title of professor of Azerbaijan State University.
M. Gashgay was also elected a member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain, Ireland and America. In 1967 he took part in the Paquos Peace Conference. His performances on the theme "On the brutal exploitation of underground resources" and "The Arab East and its natural resources" aroused great interest in the progressive circles of the time.
Merits of M. Gashgay in earth sciences were highly appreciated abroad. His scientific works have been published in Germany, England, Spain, Bulgaria, the USA, Japan, Canada and other countries and its name as an outstanding scientist has been included in encyclopedias and books of many countries ( "Who's Who" – Austria, “Who’s who "- Chicago, the USA).
Scientist has developed the basic principles of hydro-chemical regionalization of Azerbaijan and composed "Geothermal map of Azerbaijan.”
Fundamental works of M. Gashgay "Basic and ultrasensitive Azerbaijan breed", "The mineral resources of Azerbaijan", "Geology of the upper reaches of the river Tartar", "Geological and petrological characteristics of mineral resources and mineral resources of the Shusha district", "Listvenites, their genesis and classification" and others were well known in the USSR and in many foreign countries. He was one of the creators of 7-volume edition of "Geology of Azerbaijan".
Academician M. Gashgay supervised to 60 PhDs and over 10 doctoral theses on various aspects of geology.
M. Gashgay was elected honorary and active member of the All-Union Mineralogical Society, and a member of the Geological Society of Lvov, Petrographic Committee at the Department of Earth Sciences of the USSR. He was a member of the editorial board "Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia", the editorial board of the journals "Soviet Geology", "News of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (series of Earth Sciences)." The well-known geologist, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, professor, and academician of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Academician-Secretary of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR Mirali Gashgay passed away on April 23, 1977 in Baku.
Academician Mirali Gashgay died on April 23, 1977 in Baku and was buried in the Alley of Honor.
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