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Public and political figure Teymur khan Makinski

Teymur khan Makinski was born in Irevan, in 1874. Being descendants of the Maku Khans, who had lived in Irevan, the family of Makinski was the close relative to the Irevanski family - the successors of the family of Irevan Khans. Teymur Khan Makinski was one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. He finished the Irevan gymnasium and in 1916, with the diploma of the first degree graduated from the law department of the Warsaw University.

Teymur khan Makinski was one of the active participants of the National Liberation Movement, which has begun in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the XX century. Being a political figure, Teymur khan Makinski was a member of Muslim fraction of the Transcaucasian Seim, and after disintegration of the Transcaucasian Federation became a member of the National Council of Azerbaijan.

According to the law on formation of Parliament of Azerbaijan (on November 19, 1918), Makinski was included into the structure of ADR’s Parliament. T.Makinski (June-October, 1918) worked as the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Azerbaijani government, and since October 20th until the end of December was the diplomatic representative of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic at the Armenian government. He was elected the chairman of the board of an association of Muslims of Irevan province, which had been founded in January, 1919, in Baku for the purpose of protection of Azerbaijanis, living in Irevan province against the Armenian tyranny.

From December 26, 1918 to March 14, 1919 Teymur khan Makinski held a post of the Minister of Justice in the Third Governmental Cabinet of Fatali khan Khoyski. Since June 1919 till January (March), 1920 T.Makinski was the chairman of the Court-martial of Azerbaijan Republic. And since March, 1920 he was appointed, again to the position of the diplomatic representative of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic at the Armenian government.

After the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on May 15, 1920 the Armenian government stopped the activity of diplomatic mission of Azerbaijan Republic in Irevan. Armenian public procurator’s office complained of T.Makinski for the reason that he, being the head of the diplomatic mission, rendered financial support to the compatriots living in Zangibasara. However, with assistance of Georgian permanent representation in Irevan, he managed to leave secretly Irevan and on May 28 arrived to Tiflis.

Unfortunately, there is no authentic news about the further destiny of Teymur khan Makinski.

Abbasali bey Makinski (the cousin of Teymur khan Makinski) graduated from the law department of the State Petersburg University in 1908. He worked in the permanent representation of Azerbaijan in Irevan. Due to his knowledge of the Russian, English, French and German languages he always protected the rights of Azerbaijanis at diplomatic negotiations. Abbasali bey Makinski was also one of the activists of the Arazo-Turkic government, established in Nakhchivan, in the fall of 1918.

Recommended literature:

  1. Mustafa, Nazim. Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti işığında: 1918-1920: araşdırmalar, məqalələr / N. Mustafa. - Bakı : Ulu İKF, 2018. - 256 s.
  2. Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyətinin qurucuları: portret-oçerklər və məqalələr / Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Arxiv İdarəsi; red., ön sözün müəl. Ə. A. Rəsulov.- Bakı: Elm və təhsil, 2018.- 248 s.
  3. Yaqublu, Nəsiman Qara oğlu. Cümhuriyyət qurucuları / N. Q. Yaqublu; red. İ. Quliyeva.- Bakı: Nurlar NPM, 2018.- 504 s.
  4. Азербайджанская Демократическая Республика: 1918-1920 / Институт Истории АН Азербайджанской ССР; редкол. Ф. Максудов [и др.]; отв. ред. Н. Агамалиева.- Баку: Элм, 1998.- 316 с.