The electronic project "Azerbaijan-UNESCO Relations" compiled by the staff of the Presidential Library, consists of 7 sections. This project, presented to internet users, is available in two versions – in Azerbaijani and English languages.
Users can obtain detailed information about UNESCO and Azerbaijan-UNESCO relations. The "Official Documents" section contains full texts of laws, decrees and orders signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Through the project, an electronic library that includes e-versions of books related to this topic is also presented to users. The "Bibliography" section includes bibliographic descriptions of books and articles covering the subject of the electronic resource.
Ismayilova, Laman. Azerbaijan shows its commitment to partnership at ICESCO Conference of Culture Ministers / L. Ismayilova // AzerNews.- 2025.- February 21-27.- № 7.- P. 7.
Orucova, Nigar. Təpəbaşı mirası yox olur!: Bəs UNESCO haradadır? / N. Orucova // İki sahil.- 2025.- 13 fevral.- № 26.- S. 6.
Алиева, С. Секреты кялагаи: традиционный азербайджанский аксессуар до сих пор популярен / С. Алиева // Новое время.- 2025.- 10-13 января.- № 4.- С. 13.
Cəfərova, Aytən. “Nənəmin təndiri” – milli mətbəx brendi: xalqımızın çörəkbişirmə mədəniyyəti UNESCO-nun qeyri-maddi irs siyahısında da yer alıb / A. Cəfərova // Xalq qəzeti.- 2025.- 10 yanvar.- № 4.- S. 9.